Tuesday, March 5, 2013

God sized Dreams

Did you think I gave up on my God sized Dreams...I've been missing in action on the blog with these posts since January 29th....I can't beleive it!  But, I do have to report that so many activities have been going on with several of my dreams.  I have been working hard. 
These art tags I made up were so much fun, lots of creativity which I want to pursue this year and also they serve as bookmarks which I use for giving away to encourage others, this is one of my dreams to use my spiritual gift for God.  I have card club this Friday and am looking forward to growing it, so far I have tive coming this week.

Another dream for this year is to grow my long arm quilting business and the month of February has brought me some business from some of my previous customers. 
My "book", has not been forgotten either, I've been working digilently on the computer with photoediting and organizing and things are moving along nicely.  I also spend lots of time with family the month of February, both my children had birthdays, so lots of partying.  My girlfriend also had a birthday, so some nice time with a friend there too.
The biggest news is as I've been praying, this God sized Dream has started to happen, Lose Weight, Get Healthier.  It is truly from God, this one, because I think I probably would have just kept this goal in the "going to get to starting it" position for a long time.  As I've been praying for all my dreams, and me making them try to work, He just decided to show me what He wants to help me with.  My good friend, emailed me about a contest for weight loss with a company she works with and encouraged me AGAIN to get in the program and get FIT.  So, I read the rules, decided since I've not been feeling well, I HAVE to do this NOW, no more excuses, it really is NOW or NEVER. 

 On March 1st I've started the first week of detox and am half way thru it and it really is hard work, but this time I feel like I can do it thru HIM who gives me all strength, everything is POSSIBLE.  I even made three days into the "diet" wonderful deserts for Monday night bible study, I know, crazy temptation for me, addicted to sugar and carbs...guess what, I did not cheat one bit and have even a lick or bite, which is really saying something, Monday nite I took my piece of fruit while the others indulged and I did not even feel angry or sad that I couldn't indulge.  BELIEVE me when I say this is really a huge deal. 

The program is 12 weeks long and did I mention there is a possbility of me winning one of the three prizes of loot, of course the top prize would be wonderful, that's a GOAL for this year too, to get financially fit also.  I do admit that this is NOT EASY and it's like a small part time job to get special groceries, prepare food, journal everything, pariticpate in teleconverences, and start an exercise program, whew...on top of everything else....BUT I REALLY WANT THIS DREAM!

I'm linking up with Holly, today over here:  http://holleygerth.com/

So just to catch up on some of the week's I've missed that Holly challenged us to here we go:

What's one thing you can decrease so you can increase you Dream?
One of the struggles I have is to get away from the TV...it's so easy to sit down and rest and then you get sucked in...there's not much good on there anyway, so I'm trying to say NO and have more time to work on my dreams....that's one of the things I need to decrease.

 Take this “do what you can” step for your God-sized dream?
This really happend to me with the Weight Loss Contest and how it all came about from SOMEDAY to PROACTIVE IMPLEMENTATION.

God-sized dream story that inspires you?  Well this one I'm going to have to save for another post.

“A Letter to the God-sized Dreamers”
Dear God Dreaming Sisters,
This will be short and sweet.  I'm studing the book of Colossians in small ladies group bible study-- and as Paul has encouraged them I encourage you, {don't give up, don't quit, don't get discouraged}, we need to encourage each other {we can do ALL things thru Him, He is for us, He Loves us}.  That's how we each succeed and WIN the prize, how we stay on course.  Go get your bible and read Chapter 1, vs. 1-12 with empasis on 9-12.  Give me an AMEN, sister!

You’re Made for a God-sized Dream - You can get all the info about the book here.
I pre-ordered this one and will be downloading it to my noon, can't wait to get reading this from our amazing Holly!  It's a MUST.

Thank you for visitng, and sharing my life, blessings to you all, Hope, Faith, and Love, Michelle

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Rose Cake

I've been want to try one of these cakes for sooooo long now, I finally went out and got the tip.  This is my first attempt and I have to say it wan't as hard as I thought it might be at all, the wilton tip does most of the work for you. 

This was for the family birthday party in February, both my kids have birthdays a week a part.  So this was one larger round pan and one smaller pan....three cake mixes and two patches of frosting.
Here's a close-up, you really need to enjoy "sweet" this is delicious.

For fun, I sprayed it "pink".  Came out pretty, everyone was raving.

If you'd like to check out the tutorial from where I followed to make this here's the link:

Linking up with: Feather your nest and pink saturday


Blessings, have a great week,  Hugs....Michelle